Remember that first job, working 9 to 5 and a real salary? Quickly, your thoughts moved to what you were going to purchase: a new car, a new wardrobe, maybe a vacation to a foreign land? With the job came real responsibilities along with future plans that were about to unfold.
Never again will the time be so right (and your kids most receptive) to offer your kids help with their employee benefits. This is the the perfect time to introduce them to your financial planner to help with the myriad decisions offered by their new employer. A financial planner can help inform decisions such as:
* Roth or regular 401k contributions and which investments to choose?
* How much group life insurance should I have? Should supplemental life be taken on a spouse and how much should we have overall?
* What is a High-Deductible Health Plan? Should I choose the Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum level health plan?
* Should I stay on my parent’s medical insurance or get my own?
* What is a Flexible Spending Account? What is a Health Savings Account?
Many embarking on their first jobs will also have student loans and maybe credit card debt that will require regular payments. A discussion with a financial planner who can model cash flow and tax projections would be invaluable in helping them take charge of their future.